Tip: NXL Pro Tiebreakers exclude cross-bracket games.
Tip: NXL Tiebreakers are:
Score (5 pts for a win, 1 pt for a tie, 0 pts for a loss)
Number of matches won
Number of matches won against tied teams
Head-to-head competition
Least points scored against
Most game time remaining in wins
Least game time remaining in losses

NXL World Cup

View All Scores For This Event

Note: Wild reflects rank by overall scores only.
Wild column is only relevant for picking teams for wildcard spots. Teams with top spots in their bracket advance regardless of wildcard rank.
WildPro1234ScoreWinsAvg Mgn
3 1. Edmonton Impact 4-3 3-2 3-4 8-2 15 3 2
7 2. Los Angeles Infamous 5-3 5-3 3-2 2-8 15 3 -1
9 3. Chicago Aftershock 1-6 3-5 4-3 3-2 10 2 0
14 4. Seattle Uprising 5-6 2-3 2-3 2-3 0 0 -1
2 1. Tampa Bay Damage 7-3 3-2 5-4 3-2 20 4 1
8 2. San Diego Dynasty 5-6 4-3 4-5 5-1 10 2 1.33
11 3. Seattle Thunder 4-5 3-4 4-3 2-3 5 1 -0.34
15 4. Boom 2-3 2-3 3-4 1-5 0 0 -2
1 1. San Antonio X-Factor 6-5 6-4 10-3 6-2 20 4 4.33
6 2. ac DALLAS 3-2 4-2 6-1 2-6 15 3 1
10 3. Los Angeles Ironmen 5-4 4-6 1-6 6-3 10 2 -1.34
16 4. Baltimore Revo 3-7 2-4 3-10 3-6 0 0 -4
WildPro1234ScoreWinsAvg Mgn
4 1. Houston Heat 3-4 6-3 6-3 8-2 15 3 4
5 2. Moscow Red Legion 6-1 7-3 3-6 7-3 15 3 1.66
12 3. upTon 187 cRew 3-5 3-7 5-4 2-8 5 1 -3
13 4. TRADEMYGUN OUTLAWS 6-5 3-6 4-5 3-7 5 1 -2.67
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