Note: Rank reflects rank by scores only and does not reflect head-to-head tiebreakers.
Head-to-head tiebreakers do list the head-to-head winner first, but may not be accurate for 3-way ties.
RankDivision 4123456ScoreAverage
1 Blitzkrieg 90 85 90 20 100 95 480 80
2 GAS Nation 20 90 90 90 90 100 480 80
3 mid-south mafia 90 90 45 90 40 95 450 75
4 Team Shooters 40 90 85 30 95 95 435 72.5
5 Ridge Boys 100 20 90 100 20 80 410 68.33
6 Adrenaline Factory 20 85 20 85 100 90 400 66.66
7 N.V.S. 55 30 90 95 75 30 375 62.5
8 Balls Of Fury 90 40 20 30 100 90 370 61.66
9 Blitzkrieg Team 2 65 80 30 20 90 80 365 60.83
10 Vengence 95 50 45 95 20 20 325 54.16
RankDivision 4123456ScoreAverage
11 Adrenaline Rush 0 20 95 85 0 95 295 49.16
12 Minor Welt 100 50 10 85 0 40 285 47.5
13 Four and a Half Men 85 10 95 85 10 0 285 47.5
14 Axis 80 40 20 10 20 85 255 42.5
15 D-Town 20 80 95 30 10 10 245 40.83
16 Yetties In Paradise 10 20 10 90 95 10 235 39.16
17 DYECAST 95 20 30 10 10 20 185 30.83
18 Dirty South Killers 30 30 10 0 95 10 175 29.16
19 Irish Mob 0 10 85 30 0 40 165 27.5
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